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(Labeling Baskets for the Blessing Basket Project)

  Developmental Training and Work Activities

A portion of the Developmental Training program is a work oriented program designed with the purpose of providing employment in a supervised/structured setting.  Individuals are provided with an opportunitiy to experience the accomplishments, productivity and gratification of work and are referred to as workers.  The work program provides services to individuals who have the ability to function within a structured setting, but are unable to meet or sustain the demands of competitive employment in the community.  Some of the jobs completed by workers in the program involve assembly work, labeling and packaging of items, sorting and collating, spray painting, janitorial work, etc.  While in the program individuals learn the importance of cooperative work behaviors, how to resolve problems, how to follow instructions, development of appropriate social and interpersonal skills, and to improve upon motor and cognitive skills.  


           (Cahokia Mounds Trip 2009)

Developmental Training and Life Skills

 New Opportunities' Developmental Training Program prepares individuals to live and function in the community in which they live.  This program helps people to gain independence in daily living activities and to enhance economic self sufficiency.  The program offers training in the areas of  independent living skills, motor/mobility development, dressing/grooming, language, productive capacity, health care, social skills, money management, creative arts, leisure skills, and general academics.  Instruction is held in classroom settings and in natural settings in the community, i.e., field trips to the post office, mall, etc.  Individuals also have the opportunity to participate in vocational training and work in the assembly rooms.   

Page Last Updated: Jun 08, 2010 (07:06:48)
New Opportunities, Inc.
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